Today is the Day – Vote! – Calgary Municipal Elections

Well this is it Sisters and Brothers,

After an incredible amount of time and effort by our Political Action Committee with a solid focus on our “Are You In” this is it.

This is a time like no other in modern municipal elections. We will have a new Mayor and the vast majority of Council members will be new as well.

This is a reminder to please get out and vote.

We recognize and appreciate how personal your vote is.

We also realize how difficult it can be to get to know all the candidates, especially during a world pandemic. If you are not sure who to vote for yet, we have a comprehensive list of recommended candidates you should check out.

As a partner with Calgary’s Future and direct discussions with almost every endorsed candidate, we have the following information posted for your review.

Again, please take the time to cast your ballot today. It really can change the direction Calgary takes towards public transit and all of us that support this very important service.

In Solidarity
President/Business Agent
ATU Local 583
Mike Mahar

MM/jw COPE 397

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