New Here

Welcome to Amalgamated Transit Union Local 583

*Please note this information is pertinent to ATU Local 583 Members and people who work for Calgary Transit / some City of Calgary departments that fall under the purview of Local 583. If you are not yet hired you will need to go to HERE to apply/investigate job openings.

If you are new here or simply looking into the information we have available – Welcome! This portion of our website is dedicated to introducing ATU 583 and providing Members with helpful information they can access with the click of button. We suggest you bookmark this page so you can access it again when needed.

Let’s get started!

If you have not yet filled in a Membership sign-up card, please contact us at 403-258-1258 Ext 0.

Helpful Links

To download our life insurance forms please click the following link:


if you would prefer us to mail the forms to you, please call us at 403-258-1258 Ext 0.

The Premium Schedule (last updated June 1, 2021) can be found by clicking the following link:


*Please be advised if it has been longer than 60 days since you signed up you will require a medical long form to become insured. Prior to that no medical evidence is required.

For a list of our Officers, Shop and Job Stewards please click HERE

*You are welcome to contact Officers and Stewards as needed. Please bear in mind if your issue is urgent, it is best to call the office or to try an Officer’s cell phone.

Our current Collective Agreement can be found HERE

To view the ATU Local 583 Bylaws please click HERE

The ATU International Constitution can be found HERE

If you need to send something to us via internal mail our internal code is #129.

We encourage all Members in good standing to partake in our Monthly Membership Meetings. They are held the second Tuesday of each month unless otherwise noted via bulletin and in our website meeting calendar HERE

If you would like to get further involved we suggest you check out our helpful guide to doing so HERE

ATU Local 583 Annual Events

Our Family Picnic takes places in July each year. All Members in good standing and their family are welcome. Food, drinks and games are provided. There is also a bike draw for children 14 and under.


Our Retirement Banquet takes place in the fall each year. It is a celebration to honour our retirees. Members in good standing are welcome to attend for a nominal fee.


Our Children’s Christmas Party takes place in late November/early December. There are crafts and activities as well as gifts from Santa. All Members in good standing and their family are welcome to attend.


If you would like to enroll your child(ren) in our list for the bike draws and holiday gifts please fill out the form HERE

*Please note if you have already filled out this form or your child has previously received a gift it is not necessary to submit again. They will remain on the list.

Stay Up to Date with Local 583

Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter to receive up to date information from the Local – including our Monthly Insights Newsletter HERE

We also have several social media outlets where you can get information at your fingertips.
Telegram – This is our information group where Members can ask questions and Officers can disperse information. To join please text Harry at 403-404-4564 with your full name and cell phone number.
Facebook – @ATULocal583
Twitter – @ATULocal583
Instagram – @ATULocal583
And of course, we recommend you sign up for our website if you haven’t already. We send out information several times a month – including a newsletter, updates on events, meeting information and more!

Amalgamated Transit Union – International

In Transit Magazine:
In Transit is the flagship, bimonthly magazine of the Amalgamated Transit Union, covering labor and transit news from the United States and Canada, the activities of the International Union, and feature stories about local unions and members. It is mailed to Members’ homes so please be sure your address and phone number are up to date with us in the office!

Click HERE for their archive

Friends of ATU Local 583 (these groups are not administered by us but are good resources for Members)

Double Blue
Double Blue Sports & Recreation Association is a non-profit association dedicated to the entertainment needs of employees of Calgary Transit and their immediate families and is run by volunteers.

The Transit Retiree’s Group

For a one-time cost of $10 retired Members of ATU Local 583 can join the Transit Retiree’s Group. The benefits include:

-Meetings are the first Monday of the month, except July and August
-Luncheons are the third Tuesday of the month, except July and August
-Communication is a monthly newsletter
-Address list is supplied and updated
-Memorial, donations on members behalf
-Fruit basket after a hospital overnight stay and someone lets the group know

If you are a RETIREE of Local 583 and want to join please call or email Ericka Buhler at 403-978-2933 or email