Memorandum of Settlement improvements to the existing Collective Bargaining Agreement

ATU Local 583 has heard from some of the Membership that the Memorandum of Settlement is not easy to understand. The best way to view it is to note BOLDED items are new language and struck through language is being eliminated. If a clause is not shown in the Memorandum of Settlement it has not been changed in the existing Collective Bargaining Agreement. The Negotiating Team would like to highlight some improvements to the contract made in this round of bargaining.

• Son and Daughter in Law added to bereavement leave.
• An increase in Summer/Stampede LRT vacation leveling.
• Community Shuttle improvements for layoff/recall, mentorship driving, duplicated work, clothing entitlements, and sign on processes.
• A reduction in the start time slide for Accessible Operators to 30 minutes.
• Probationary employees will retain recall rights for 12 months.
• A 36 month commitment period for LRT volunteers.
• A reduction of the number of Spareboard Operators to gain 75 hour status to 15.5%.
• A receipt free $75.00 a year boot allowance for all employees required to wear CSA approved footwear.
• A total of 1950 work hours in Community Shuttle to achieve complete probation and ALL regular hours worked will be counted.
• All Maintenance Employees will now receive lieu time based on their regular daily hours of work.
• Job Function 14 in Appendix A is now subdivided into 3 different job function groups.
• A 1.5% wage increase in 2020.

Please keep in mind Social Media is a powerful tool for those who want their opinion to be heard. We also know that not everything that gets posted in that forum is in fact true.
Your Negotiating Committee feels this Memorandum allows us to move forward with certainty in these turbulent times.
In Solidarity,
Rick Ratcliff, Neil McKinnon, Zul Vira, Bill Johnson, Harvey Woo & Ryan Todd.

COPE 397 RR/jr

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