ATU 583 Monthly Insights – April 2022 – Issue #14


April 1st to May 1st, 2022 marks the Holy Month of Ramadan. We know many of our Members and their families celebrate this important time and would like to once again extend our wishes to each of you for a happy and prosperous Ramadan.

Whether you are fasting with family or on your own, we wish you a safe month that brings you every blessing possible.

Ramadan Kareem to you all.

ATU Local 583 “Fall” Banquet

Our Fall Banquet in the Spring was a success. We had approximately 630 attendees helping us celebrate our 2020 and 2021 Retirements.

It’s been a long road to this point. By now we are all aware of the things we missed out on due to the ongoing pandemic. Something of note, however, is how much many of us have missed social gatherings. This was evident on the night of April 23 as we reunited for what was a wonderful evening. It was especially noticeable to the Officers and Social Committee members how eager everyone was to visit among old friends after such a long hiatus. It was also a wonderful opportunity to take a moment and reflect on those we lost over the past two years.

We have had fantastic feedback on the banquet, including a lot of compliments on switching to the Grey Eagle.

Our next Banquet to celebrate our 2022 retirees will be October 1, 2022, again at the Grey Eagle, so mark the date!

Administrative Professional Day

We would be remiss if we didn’t note that April 27, 2022 is Administrative Professionals Day. ATU Local 583 is lucky to have three wonderful admins who are a great support to the Officers and Members of 583. Thank you, Aimee, Jacinda and Lori, for the hard work you each do, every day.

Retirements and Member Passings

We have had a few calls from Members wondering about recent retirements and member passings. Previously this information was available in monthly newsletters but we have discontinued that practice for two reasons.

1. Member privacy is something we take extremely seriously. Information can be used in a plethora of ways by people with ill-intent and we simply want to avoid any member information falling into the wrong hands. All retirement and passing info is available on our website when you log in.

2. This information does tend to take up a great deal of space in newsletters and while we are incredibly proud of, and happy for, all of our retirees, the space is often needed for information we need to get to the membership.

With all that being said, it is very easy to sign up for an account on our website.

1. Go to
2. Sign up for an account
3. An admin will verify and accept your account as soon as possible
4. That’s it! You can now log in and see everything related to recent retirements and member passings.

The vast majority of the information we post on our website is available without having to log in. Member access to information is another thing we know is deeply important. This is why we only put sensitive information behind a login wall.

If you are having trouble signing up or have been locked out of your account, please do not hesitate to reach out to our admin staff. They will be more than happy to help you access your account. You can call or email at 403-258-1258 Ext 0 or

LAPP and retirements

In January of this year LAPP made significant changes to the 54-11 rule upon leaving employment. For those not aware, 54-11 is the term used when someone leaves their employment shortly before the age of 55 allowing them access to some of their pension in the form of cash.

Previously a 54-11 wouldn’t impact a person’s pension value as much as it may now. If you are thinking of leaving the plan you should consult LAPP and as well as your financial adviser if you use one. The changes to this rule may have an impact on your decision to leave or not.

For anyone with questions or concerns on their upcoming retirement, or if you have been thinking of retiring and want to know information on the value of your pension, please be sure to call LAPP at 1-877-649-5277 as far in advance as possible.

ATU Local 583 Scholarship

During the most recent round of Bylaw changes, one of the approved amendments was regarding the ATU Local 583 scholarship fund. This fund may be worth up to $10,000 and will go to the recipients who best fit the eligibility criteria.

We will be posting the 2022 scholarship information at the end of June 2022 with a deadline to enter being August 31, 2022.

This annual fund is meant to support our Members and their families in reaching their goals. Keep an eye out at the end of June if you want to take advantage of this opportunity!

Day of Mourning – April 28

Each year on April 28 we mark the Day of Mourning. This is a day to remember those who have lost their lives due to workplace illness or injury. It is estimated that over one thousand people lose their lives in this way, Canada-wide, annually. These are unacceptable losses. Everyone has a right to work in a healthy and safe environment. Everyone has the right to expect to come home from their job, healthy and safe. This is not something that can be left to chance.

Part of this day of remembrance is a promise of action. ATU Local 583 believes strongly that workplace health and safety is ever changing and therefore needs to be consistently addressed. This is why we have a Health and Safety Committee. This is why we have representatives on other committees and at meetings that address workplace safety, such as OSIRT (which addresses Code Blues) and the Union Partner Safety Update, which addresses safety of all kinds. This is also why we continue to push for better working conditions for our Members. The work is never done. Each year on this date, there is a reminder to renew our energy to fight harder and go further. Our Members’ safety is paramount.

Every loss is preventable. We would like to extend our deepest sympathies to the families of those who have been lost in this senseless way.

Family Picnic 2022 – Heritage Park

Preparations for our Family Picnic on July 24, 2022 are well under way. As mentioned in a previous newsletter article, the Social Committee, Executive Board and Membership have decided to hold this year’s picnic at Heritage Park. In years past we have had the picnic at Heritage Park to mark important milestones for the Local, such as our 100th Anniversary, and to try and make up for missed picnics as well, such as the 2013 floods that prevented our usual celebrations.

Tickets to the picnic will be made available in advance and include a catered lunch and events designed especially for our Members. ATU 583 promotional items will also be available. You and your family will be able to visit any of the attractions and we will of course have our beloved bike draw for children 14 and under.

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